It seems that as time goes by Bonanzle, pardon me Bonanza, gets less forthcoming with information, there is more censorship and more punishment for anyone trying to ask honest questions or ask for the site to be accountable.
The forum, while at a time of change should be quite active, is fairly dull. Lots of welcomes and the usual "no meat" posting. Every time someone comes along that is not rah rah, asks tough questions or points out issues, they are DMVed, thread/post removed, suspended or even removed from the site all together.
This blog may get me removed, who knows since they do read and care what we say on our blogs. But, we have to be able to say what we think and feel somewhere. We have to be able to ask the tough questions and give the important information somewhere. It is their censorship and strict control over what we can and can not say that has driven so many of us to putting all the "dirty laundry" so to say, off site and on blogs.
Earlier this evening there was a good bit of talk that the site had a security breach. Bill's blog had been altered and there was a lot of foul language that Bill (lets hope) would not use.
One thread had been started with a more humorous take on this and it had been deleted relatively fast. At this point I thought it relevant that we know one way or the other if we had a security issue. There was no doubt that the boyz would fix it, however, I wanted to know that it had or had not happened, what had been done to correct it and if we needed to change our passwords, just how far had it gone. I do believe this is something that we ALL had a right to know.
So, I started a thread and this was my post
Bonanza Secruity Breach ??
I understand we have had a breach in site security
if this is so, I would really like to know to what extent
I think for one thing Bill’s blog was highjacked
but, I really would like to know the extent please
did anyone see or experience anything weird, if so I think we need to all know and also report it to support
do we need to all change our password, or should we to be on the safe side
It didn't take long from what I understand to be locked and this post from Mark
"@Pugs, there was not a security breach. We are experimenting with different blogs to capture the uniqueness of some of our categories. That is all"
at 7:58 PM I received this Bmail from Mark
Your post seems a bit "end of the worldish" and only serves to invoke drama. Were you not able to get a prompt reply via support?
First I didn't email support.. the situation was on the blog for all to see and I feel it was an honest question we all deserved an honest answer for.
then I guess he couldn't wait for me to eat my dinner and answer his bmail .. at 8:15PM I was DMVed
this is my 3rd in 3 months .. now, I could never get them to tell me what the first was for and the second was for a joke .. Mark told me I should put a disclaimer so people would know I was kidding and I said that was what the smiley face was. So, I guess I have a 24 hour suspension. I wouldn't mind but there is no justice or fairness in the forum ... OK that is a whole other blog
What the hell are they hiding for such a knee jerk over reaction.
If there was no breach all Mark had to do was respond to the first thread about this and/or respond to mine so the topic could be answered, members reassured and we move on.
To zap one thread, DMV me instead of giving a simple answer makes one wonder what are they hiding. They sure want to just shut everyone up instead of dealing with questions.
Now, I ask, was a question that could have just had the simple answer given invoking drama.. or was the DMVing invoking drama????
Boyz, I think we are a tad over touchy to say the least. For guyz who are suppose to be easy going with a sense of humor you sure are uptight and worried.